Credit Cards

Articles about credit cards.

Why Is Your Credit Card Application Rejected?

Finding a credit card that suits your every want and need is easier said than done. Adding to this challenge, you never know if you’ll be approved until you complete and submit an application.

While there are things you can do to position yourself for an approval, there’s no guarantee. Here are three of the most common reasons credit card applications get rejected:

  1. Your Credit Score is Too Low

Simply put, if your credit score isn’t in the acceptable range you’re not likely to receive an approval.…
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How to Make the Most of a Small Business Credit Card

While applying for a small business credit card is a big step, you must answer a very important question: how will you make the most of this financial tool?

There are many ways to use a small business credit card, some of which will suit you while others will not.

As you begin to consider your many options, here are three details you should never overlook:

  1. Use your small business credit card for every type of purchase.

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What to Look for in a Gas Credit Card

gas-credit-cardCredit cards have come a long way over the years. In today’s world, there are many types to choose from. There is a card for every type of consumer.

If the idea of a gas credit card piques your interest, it’s time to learn more about this type of offer.

While the final choice is yours to make, here are three things to look for in a gas credit card:

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