What is Your Credit Card Missing?

There is no better feeling than reviewing the details of your credit card and realizing that everything is in order.

Conversely, it can be a bit frustrating to review the finer details just to find that something is out of place.

If your credit card is coming up short in a key area, you have a big decision to make: will you keep your current card or make a change to a new one?

While the final decision is yours, here are a few problems you never want to run into with your credit card:

  • Higher than average interest rate. This may be expected if you have poor credit or no credit at all, but those with a score in the upper tier should begin to wonder what’s going on.
  • No rewards program. If you’re going to use a credit card you should get something in return. And in most cases that “something” comes in the form of reward points. Not all credit cards have a rewards program, but you should have a good reason for sticking with one that doesn’t.
  • Average (or horrible) customer service. This is more important today than ever before. Entirely too many companies, including some in the financial sector, take their customers for granted. You shouldn’t settle for less than the best when it comes to customer service.

If you find that your credit card is missing something important, such as one of the details mentioned above, don’t hesitate to at least learn more about the hundreds of alternatives that exist.

The nice thing about credit cards is that there are many offers to compare and choose from. This means you never have to get stuck with something that isn’t up to par.

What do you think of your current credit card? Does it hit the mark, or does it come up short in some key areas?

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